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  • Every Mile a Memory: The Unseen Threads Linking Us All

    October 25, 2023 3 min read

    Life isn’t a solo expedition. It’s more like a vast, intricate web where every node is a person, and every strand, an experience. Each one of us is at a different point on the web, and the magic happens when we realize how intertwined our journeys are.

    Remember the first time you held a hammer? If you were a kid, you probably didn't know which end was up. There’s someone out there, right now, flipping that hammer around. You’ve been there, done that, and maybe even nailed it (pun intended). And while you’re out there now, trying to whip up a gourmet meal but burning the pasta instead, there’s someone who’s just figuring out how to wrestle with instant noodles. The cycle is as endless as it is beautiful.

    As we venture through our journey it's always easier to pick up life hacks and wisdom from those ahead. It’s essential though to pass some of that knowledge down to those a step behind. It doesn't have to be complicated. A simple "been there, done that" or a "trust me, it gets better" can be the nudge that keeps someone moving forward, helps someone feel seen. Sharing cheat codes isn’t just about making the path easier for others; it’s about creating a chain of empathy and understanding.

    Speaking of journeys, let’s talk about a shirt that’s close to our hearts - our IMPOSTER SYNDROME GLITCH shirt. It's a wearable ode to the inner battles of feeling like a fraud despite being capable and creative. It’s a nod to the fact that no matter how glossy the finish, everyone has their glitches, and that’s okay. Our glitch series explores the abstract, celebrating the beauty in imperfection, and it's a call to embrace the unique path each of us is on.

    A few years ago I was hanging out with some design pals here in Austin. Two of these guys were folks I considered to be demi-gods in the design world. As we hung out, I realized they were just... further along on the path. They had more sketches, more erasures, more years, more experiences. They were cool (and still are), but they were also still flawed and human.

    It was a casual reminder that we're all sketching out our tales, just with different pencils, on different pages, at different paces. And while the tools and times have changed, with young designers now having a buffet of online resources and communities where they can learn, the essence remains the same. We’re all in this wild design saga together, just at different plot twists.

    Who’s been your guide along the way? And have you been a guide for someone else? It’s a cycle of give and take, learn and teach, stumble, and march forward. And remember, as you chase the hacks from those ahead, don’t forget to pass on some cheat codes to the ones coming up. We’re all in this circus together, after all.

    Now, we'd love to hear from you. Drop a comment below sharing a piece of advice or a 'cheat code' you wish you'd received earlier in your journey. If you've got a story where a simple piece of advice made a significant difference in your life or someone else’s please share it. Let’s keep the chain of sharing going. Every bit of shared wisdom is a stepping stone for someone. 🔄🎪

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